Boehlerit is part of the world wide Leitz Group of companies and has developed its own grade banding which are ideally suited to the wood working industry
The majority of grades found within this
sector are made up of fine, submicron and ultrafine grain carbides
with between 2 - 6 % cobalt. Special value is placed on the even
grain distribution, where the benefits of fine grain material come
in to being. Boehlerit fine grain carbides distinguish themselves
through a high degree of cutting edge stability combined with good
quality transverse rupture strength and reduced wear tendencies.
The application of carbide tools is the requirement of cost effective
and rationalized production. Boehlerit has the ability and the know
how to support tool making companies with applications solutions.
This applies to both wood and laminated materials. Boehlerit
welcomes the closest inspection within the saw teeth sector, spiral
carbide blades finished and semi-finished products for all aspects
of the industry.

Boehlerit GmbH & Co.KG
Segment Wear protection & semi-finished products
Werk VI-Straße 100
8605 Kapfenberg