The con­tin­u­ous­ly more strin­gent mar­ket re­quire­ments de­mand the high­est qual­i­ty stan­dards from all grades used in cut­ting and punch­ing tool con­struc­tion

Years of close co­op­er­a­tion with our cus­tomers have put us in a
po­si­tion today to be able to offer the right car­bide grade for every
As sin­tered blocks as well as semi fin­ished prod­ucts are pro­duced
with or with­out wire start holes and ac­cord­ing to cus­tomer
draw­ings. All Boehler­it tung­sten car­bide grades which are used
in this field are sinter-​hipped where­by a reg­u­lar and pore-​free
struc­ture is ob­tained.
For an overview of the stock pro­gram
"Stan­dard as sin­tered blocks and rods" please visit our home­page.
Should you have fur­ther ques­tions re­gard­ing this prod­uct range,
please con­tact one of our many ex­pe­ri­enced tech­ni­cal sales
per­son­nel, who will be pleased to offer a com­plete sup­port ser­vice.


Boehlerit GmbH & Co.KG

Segment Wear protection & semi-finished products

Werk VI-Straße 100
8605 Kapfenberg