The continuously more stringent market requirements demand the highest quality standards from all grades used in cutting and punching tool construction
Years of close cooperation with our customers have put us in a
position today to be able to offer the right carbide grade for every
As sintered blocks as well as semi finished products are produced
with or without wire start holes and according to customer
drawings. All Boehlerit tungsten carbide grades which are used
in this field are sinter-hipped whereby a regular and pore-free
structure is obtained.
For an overview of the stock program
"Standard as sintered blocks and rods" please visit our homepage.
Should you have further questions regarding this product range,
please contact one of our many experienced technical sales
personnel, who will be pleased to offer a complete support service.

Boehlerit GmbH & Co.KG
Segment Wear protection & semi-finished products
Werk VI-Straße 100
8605 Kapfenberg