In this manufacturing process the carbide granulate is densified cold isostactically under high pressure, achieving a very even density distribution in the blank
The blanks are then dewaxed and presintered at temperatures of between 700°C - 800°C in order to achieve the strength condition needed for the final processing. The presintered blocks are processed largely on CNC machines using diamond or PCD cutting tools and given the form demanded by the customer. The typical mechanical characteristics of this material unfold during the sintering process. This develops under strict control
in a gaseous atmosphere and temperatures of around 1350°C - 1500 °C and 100 bar pressure in the sinter-HIP ovens. Submicron grades and grains with a cobalt content of under 15 % benefit from considerable increases in transverse rupture strength.

Boehlerit GmbH & Co.KG
Segment Wear protection & semi-finished products
Werk VI-Straße 100
8605 Kapfenberg